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Magnus Carlsen's openings, a special report by Jan Timman
1.e4 openings
- Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 - Olthof
- Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 - Timman
- Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.h3 - Szabo
- Sicilian Defence - Taimanov Variation - Pavlovic
- Sicilian Defence - Early Divergences 2...b6 - Pucher
- French Defence - Tarrasch Variation 3...Be7 - Rodi
- Petroff Defence - Marshall Variation - Finkel
- Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defence 4.d3 - Lukacs and Hazai
- Ruy Lopez - Neo-Arkhangelsk 6...Bc5 - Adhiban
- Ruy Lopez - Chigorin Variation 11...Nd7 - Vidit
- Italian Game - Two Knights Defence 3...Nf6 - Ragger
1.d4 openings
- Various Openings - Queen's Fianchetto Defence - l'Ami
- Queen’s Gambit Accepted - 3.Nf3 Early divergences - I. Almasi
- Catalan Opening -Accepted 4...dxc4 - Ikonnikov
- Grünfeld Indian Defence - 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.h4 - Karolyi
- Grünfeld Indian Defence - Hungarian variation 7...a6 - Van der Tak
- King's Indian Defence - Classical Main Line 9.Ne1 - Szabo
- King's Indian Defence - Four Pawns Attack 7...b5 - Adorjan
- Benoni Defence - Benko Gambit 5.e3 - Gonda
- Queen’s Pawn Openings -Barry Attack 4.Qd2 -Fogarasi
- English Opening - Symmetrical: Fianchetto with d2-d4 - Vigorito
- English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3...g6 - Ris
- English Opening - Symmetrical Variation with ...d7-d5 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
- English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 5...d5 - Vilela
- Réti Opening - 1...d5 2.c4 d4 - Demuth
- Réti Opening - King's Indian Attack 2.g3 - Vilela
With more than 75 practical opening exercises to test your understanding.
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