Wydawnictwo: Elk and Ruby
Autor: Alexander Kalinin
Data wydania: 2020
Ilość stron: 230
Waga : 180 gram
ISBN : 9785604071083
004 Index of Games
006 Foreword by Sergey Karjakin
007 Introduction
009 PART ONE: Chess Heroes of the 21st Century
009 The Wonderkid
025 Battles against Grandmasters
029 The Rivalry Begins
031 Storming Mount Olympus
034 The World Championship Match
050 After the Match
053 In the Rhythm of Jazz
067 PART TWO: Sergey Karjakin’s 50 Best Wins
068 Attack on the King
068 Attack on the king in the center
077 Attack with castling on the same side
099 Attack with castling on opposite sides
117 Attack in the Center and on the Queenside
139 Combined Attack on Both Flanks
146 Two Opening Wins
152 Symmetrical Pawn Structure in the Center
164 Positional Sacrifice
177 Defence and Counterattack
194 Endgames
194 Major-piece battles
202 The two bishops: pros and cons
209 Opposite-coloured bishops
222 Rook and knight battles