Wydawca: Everyman Chess, 2017
Autor: Jacob Aagaard
Ilość stron: 336
język wydania: angielski
oprawa: miękka
ISBN: 9781781944462
wymiary książki: 15.2 x 22.8 cm
Excelling at Technical Chess:
005 Bibliography
007 Acknowledgements
009 Chapter One: The Endgame
011 What is the endgame?
012 Keep your strongest piece active!
015 Chapter Two: Seven Technical Tools
015 1) Schematic thinking
025 2) Weaknesses
025 The basic definition of a weakness
026 Basic pawn weaknesses
029 Potential weaknesses and the creation of weaknesses
033 Hooks
042 Pawn islands
050 Doubled pawns
053 3) Domination
064 4) Do not hurry, and the prevention of counterplay
070 The prevention of counterplay
075 5) Passed pawns
090 6) How to arrange your pawns in the endgame
098 7) Freaky aspects of the endgame
100 Zugzwang
107 Stalemate
111 Fortresses
113 Attack on the king
119 Absurd examples
126 Chapter Three: Advanced Ideas
127 Broadening
129 Tying the knot
135 Good knight vs. bad bishop
145 When bishops are stronger than knights
157 Pure bishop endgames
162 The advantage of two bishops in the endgame
170 Technique as a way of playing
177 Complex examples
Excelling at Positional Chess:
04 Acknowledgements
05 Bibliography
07 Introduction
10 1 Simple Truths
23 2 Primary Concepts
35 3 Defining Weaknesses
45 4 Squares - And How Pieces Exploit Them
55 5 Analysing Your Own Games
62 6 Positional Sacrifices
66 7 Positional Exercises
85 8 Solutions to Exercises