Thinkers Publishing,2023 rok. wydania, 370str,miękka oprawa
Against the solid 3…Bd7, the author offers two choices of achieving central control. 5.c4 aims for a more positional Maroczy structure, whereas the alternative 5.0-0 transforms the position into a French advanced-type structure.
The author also analyzes a second option for 3…Nc6 – 6.h3 instead of 6.c3 – to limit Black’s piece activity by suppressing the scope of the c8-bishop.
The author has also analyzed both 3.c3 and 3.g3 against 2…e6.
Finally, the author examines the less popular second moves, 2…g6, 2…a6, and 2…Nf6, and includes an Accelerated Dragon variation, which can benefit the player. Despite the delay in releasing this second volume, the author believes that this Anti-Sicilian series will provide a strong lifetime repertoire and a foundation to respond to future theoretical developments.
004 Key to Symbols
006 Preface
008 Introduction
011 PART I - Moscow with 3...Nd7
013 Chapter 1) 4.0-0 Ngf6
033 Chapter 2) 4.0-0 a6
065 Chapter 3) 4.a4
119 PART II - Moscow with 3...Bd7
121 Chapter 4) 4...Nxd7
141 Chapter 5) 4...Qxd7
171 PART III - Rossolimo Transposition with 3...Nc6
173 Chapter 6) Various Sidelines
201 Chapter 7) 6...a6
229 PART IV - Other Sicilians Starting on Move 2
231 Chapter 8) 2...e6 3.c3 - The Alapin Variation
265 Chapter 9) 2...e6 3.g3 - The King's Indian Attack
307 Chapter 10) 2...g6 3.c4 - The Accelerated Dragon
329 Chapter 11) 2...g6 3.c3 - Alapin Dragon
351 Chapter 12) O'Kelly & Nimzowitsch Variations